Standard Operating Procedures

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In line with its mandate and terms of reference, NCRSH has a carefully developed set of requirements and SOPs that researchers and other stakeholders are required to abide by in preparing research submissions for review and approval. Using a NCRSH required format of a research proposal, researchers shall submit applications accompanied with the required checklist for NCRSH review and approval. The requirements and SOPs are available below.

SOP NO.1: Standard Operating Procedure for Training and Continuing Education of NCRSH Members and Staff

SOP NO.2: Standard Operating Procedure for Managing a Protocol Submission

SOP NO.3: Standard Operating Procedure for Protocol Review

SOP NO.4: Standard Operating Procedure for Expedited Review

SOP NO.5: Standard Operating Procedure for Management of Protocol Amendments

SOP NO.6: Standard Operating Procedure for Distributing Protocol Documents

SOP NO.7: Standard Operating Procedure for Declaring Conflict of Interest

SOP NO.8: Standard Operating Procedure for Inspection/Monitoring of Approved Protocols

 SOP NO.9: Standard Operating Procedure for Annual Continuing Review


The Framework of Guidelines for Research in the Social Sciences and Humanities in Malawi: The purpose of the framework is to provide individuals and institutions with guidelines for making ethical choices in the conduct of social sciences and humanities research in Malawi. Its aim is to enable the social and humanities researchers make individual ethical judgments and decisions informed by shared ethics, principles, values and experiences that are not imposed by their professions.

NCRSH Checklist To Accompany Submission of Proposals: Before submitting a research proposal to the Committee, an applicant must complete the following checklist by ticking each item in the box. Do not submit the proposal, unless you have provided a tick in all the boxes.  Incomplete submissions will not be processed.