NCST has been nominated as the Malawi’s National Designated Entity (NDE) for Technology Development and Transfer under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change following an invitation by the Environmental Affairs Department in the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Management which sought Expressions of Interest through submission of a Technical Proposal from reputable institutions of Malawi Origin wishing to become Malawi’s NDE.
The NDE will be the national institution that shall become the country’s contact point and institution responsible to undertake activities that shall assist to enhance action on technology development and adoption to manage climate change effects.
The Sixteenth Conference of the Parties (CoP16) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) held in Cancun, Mexico in December 2010, decided to establish a Technology Mechanism, to enhance action technology development and transfer to support action on mitigation and adaptation of climate change effects.
The Technology Mechanism has two components (a) Climate Technology Centre (CTC), and (b) a Network. The two components exist to promote and enhance research, development, deployment and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies in support of action on mitigation and adaptation of climate change in developing countries.
The CTC shall manage the process of receiving and responding to requests from developing country Parties such as Malawi and shall work with the Network to respond to such request.
NCST will assist stakeholders at the national level to undertake domestic actions identified through country-driven approaches, to engage in bilateral and multilateral cooperative activities on technology development and transfer and to increase private and public research, development and demonstration in relation to technologies for mitigation and adaptation.
Objectives for establishing an NDE
The objective of appointing and NDE at national level is to in collaboration with the CTC assist to enhance action on technology development and adoption to manage climate change effects. Specifically, the NDE will:
- Develop and enhance endogenous capacities and technologies of Malawi which shall include cooperative research, development and demonstration programmes;
- Deploy and diffuse environmentally sound technologies and know-how in Malawi;
- Promote increased public and private investment in technology development, deployment, diffusion and transfer;
- Deploy soft and hard technologies for the implementation of adaptation and mitigation actions;
- Improve climate change observation systems and related information management;
- Strength national systems of innovation and technology innovation centers; and
- Develop and implement national technology plans for mitigation and adaptation.
The National Commission for Science and Technology (NCST) as Malawi’s National Designated Entity (NDE) shall be the country’s contact point for receiving and sending requests of environmentally sound technologies to support action on climate change mitigation and adaptation in Malawi to and from the CTC and the Network. In addition NCST shall undertake actions to facilitate the development and transfer of technologies. Specifically, the commission will facilitate the development, application and diffusion, including transfer of environmentally-sound technologies, practices and processes that control, reduce or prevent anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases in all relevant sectors such as energy, transport, industry, agriculture, forestry and waste management to meet Malawi’s commitment as a Party to the Convention and its Kyoto Protocol obligations.
Specifically, the Commission will:
- Compile a list of centers, organizations and networks working on mitigation and adaptation of climate change effects, with a view to strengthening their role in country-driven adaptation and mitigation actions
- Review available capacities (human, institutional and technological) to identify gaps, areas of duplication, and synergies, best practices, available technologies, R&D and demonstration programmes in mitigation and adaptation
- Prepare a scoping paper on gaps, best practices, areas of duplication, available tools etc for discussion at national level to ensure that input and views of relevant stakeholders have been taken into account
- Through a consultative process with relevant stakeholders (academic, research and development, innovation, private sector, public sector, NGOs, civil society, youth groups etc), will develop priority areas for research and development, technology adaptation and adoption, technology transfer, dissemination, demonstration etc. This will form the basis for prioritization of resources in the short and long term;
- Develop programmes to address the gaps and strengthen opportunities identified to build capacity research and development, technology adaptation and adoption, technology transfer, dissemination, demonstration, climate change observation systems and related information management
- Develop and disseminate mitigation and adaptation information for utilization at the national, regional and district levels by policy makers, communities, target populations, researchers and all other relevant stakeholders;
- Encourage the establishment and promote the coordination of institutions that undertake research and development, technology adoption and adaptation, dissemination and innovation activities in mitigation and adaptation which promote national socio-economic development and other specialized activities in a manner that enhances cooperation and collaboration among national and international climate change mitigation and adaptation personnel and institutions;
- Encourage the use of local expertise in mitigation and adaptation matters through the use of a set of professional standards, ethics and guidelines and support of professional mitigation and adaptation institutions, organizations and associations;
- Promote, support, advocate and organize the development and implementation of capacity building programmes such as human resource training, procurement of equipment and development of infrastructure to facilitate research and development; technology transfer; technology adoption, dissemination and promotion of mitigation and adaptation activities;
- Organize national, regional, district and community fairs, open days and onsite demonstrations of climate change mitigation and adaptation technologies, practices, research results, innovation etc so as to promote national awareness and culture, documentation, consolidation and dissemination of relevant mitigation and adaptation information;
- Strengthen capabilities in searching, identifying and sharing of information on all potential sources of funds for mitigation and adaptation across the world to enhance access to and use of funding possibilities locally and internationally. Through the development of database and networking etc;
- Lobby public sector, NGOs, and private sector through round table discussions and one on one meetings to invest and sponsor technology development, deployment, diffusion and transfer;
- Develop and support partnerships to undertake research and development, technology adaptation and adoption, technology transfer etc between public institutions/ and research institutions/ and private sector/ and users of mitigation and adaptation research results and technologies to attract funding in areas of mutual interest;
- Through a consultative process develop and implement national technology plans for mitigation and adaptation. The plan will include the provision of grants for technical and financial support to relevant players to undertake mitigation and adaptation actions, coordinating of mitigation and adaptation actions, monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the actions; and
- Establish groups in collaboration with relevant organizations and experts, to develop and implement, programmes on communication, information and outreach strategy, building on existing channels, in order to provide decision makers, the media, the public, and including social media with the latest information on adaptation and mitigation.
Members of the public and all other stakeholders may inquire from the following address;
Director General
National Commission for Science and Technology
Lingadzi House
City Centre
P/Bag B303
Capital City
Attention: Lyson John Kampira
Chief Research Services Officer
E-mail addresses:;