Corporate Governance

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National Commission for Science and Technology Malawi Board Charter defines the relationships between NCST Board of Commissioners, the Secretariat, Government of Malawi and other key stakeholders. This corporate governance framework provides the structure through which NCST sets its strategies and monitors its performance in order to achieve its mandate of advising the Government of Malawi and other key stakeholders on all Science and Technology matters in order to achieve a science and technology – led development.

Corporate governance at NCST forms part of the larger policies and procedures adopted by the Board. It also depends on the Malawian Constitution 1994, Science and Technology Act 2003 and other relevant laws and regulations in Malawi. In addition, factors such as institutional ethics and corporate awareness of the environmental and societal interests in the areas in which the NCST operates can also have an impact on the Organisation’s reputation and long term success.

To ensure good corporate governance at NCST, the Board shall ensure:

  1. Accountability: Individuals or groups in NCST, who make decisions and take actions on specific issues, will be held accountable for their decisions and actions.
  2. Responsibility: with regard to the Secretariat, responsibility shall pertain to behaviour that allows for corrective action and for penalising mismanagement. Responsible management would, when necessary, put in place what it would take to set NCST on the right path. While the Board is accountable to NCST, it will act responsively to and with responsibility towards GoM and other key stakeholders.
  3. Independence: the Board will ensure mechanisms have been put in place to minimize or avoid potential conflicts of interest that may exist, such as propoer disclosure of having a direct or indirect interest in a private, professional or official capacity in any matter being considered by NCST.
  4. Transparency: the Board shall ensure necessary information is made available in a candid, accurate and timely manner to enable the GoM and other key stakeholders easily make meaningful professional analysis of  NCST actions, its economic fundamentals and the non-financial aspects pertinent to its functions/activities.
  5. Fairness: the systems that exist within NCST will be balanced taking into account current and future interests of GoM and other key stakeholders. The rights of the various stakeholders will be acknowledged and respected.
  6. Discipline: the commitment by the Secretariate to adhere to behaviour that is universally recognised and accepted to be correct and proper.
  7. Social Responsilibity: NCST is well-managed so that the Organisation recognise and is aware of, and respond to, social issues, placing a high priority on ethical standards.

NCST is committed to implementing and adhering to corporate governance best practice. The Board regards corporate governance as being vital to the success of NCST, as it will ensure appropriate and effective Board and Management direction practices are in place.  The Board recognises that achievement of good corporate governance will ensure NCST’s performance is enhanced thereby adding value to GoM and other key stakeholders in Science and Technology matters.

A code of principle can only be as good as one’s ability to put it into action. To that end, NCST Board of Commissioners are committed to fulfilling their fiduciary responsibilities and have instituted various principles necessary to ensure that good governance is practiced with respect to dealings with GoM and other key stakeholders.