SOP NO.1: Standard Operating Procedure for Training and Continuing Education of NCRSH Members and Staff

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SOP NO.1: Standard Operating Procedure for Training and Continuing Education of NCRSH Members and Staff





The purpose of this procedure is to inform NCRSH members and secretariat what training is considered essential and how members can access the training. NCRSH recognises the importance of continuing education and training of its members and secretariat in ethical and scientific review of research proposals. New members and secretariat are required to undergo training immediately after joining NCRSH. It is essential that all members, whether old or new, should be facilitated with an opportunity of relevant continuing education and skills necessary for the effective performance of the cause of business of NCRSH.




This SOP applies to NCRSH members and secretariat


Allowable Exceptions


This SOP is meant to be followed without deviation


Specific Procedure

  • All members of NCRSH and secretariat shall receive initial in-house training at the start of the term of office in relevant areas including the following:


  • Functions and operations of NCRSH
  • Framework of Guidelines for Research in the Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Research Ethics
  • Ethical and scientific review of research proposal/protocol
  • Conflict of interest and integrity
  • Relevant research legislation and other regulatory toolkits


  • Secretariat shall identify facilitators of training workshops/inductions and organise the training
  • Secretariat continually provides information about relevant training courses, workshops, conferences etc
  • Members may identify an appropriate course and inform the secretariat in writing for any financial facilitation
  • Secretariat shall keep training records
  • Members and secretariat shall receive continuing training


Definitions of Terms


Conference: a meeting of individuals or representatives of various bodies for the purpose of discussing and/or acting on topics of common interest


Workshop: A group of people engaged in study or work on a creative project or subject


Protocol: A document that provides the background, rationale, and objectives of a research study and describes its design, methodology and organisation, including ethical and statistical considerations.