Promote responsible research and development that safeguards and protects human integrity, human rights, and animal rights and welfare.
Terms of Reference
- To spearhead the development, review and assessment of national policies, procedures, guidelines, regulations and standards within the research and development enterprise pertaining to bioethics;
- To foster debate, public awareness, engagement and consciousness in matters of bioethics at national level;
- To undertake critical reviews of public policies with a view to make sound bioethics related recommendations that promote common good and/or human rights;
- To promote education and training for NACOB members and stakeholders in bioethics;
- To provide policy guidance and/or expert advice on bioethical case issues and problems, particularly in the sphere of health, research, science and technology;
- To undertake appropriate national assessment and promotion of management of risk related to medicine, life sciences and associated technologies;
- To undertake any activity consistent with principles set out in the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights and similar principles set out in related international instruments;
- Bioethicist (ex-officio)
- Malawi National Commission for UNESCO (ex-officio)
- Malawi Human Rights Commission (ex-officio)
- College of Medicine Research and Ethics Committee (ex-officio)
- Biology Department at Chancellor College
- Agricultural Research Services
- Malawi Law Commission
- Nurses and Midwives Council of Malawi
- Media Council of Malawi
- Faith Community (Public Affairs Committee)
- Council for Non-Governmental Organizations
- Department of Environmental Affairs
- Department of Philosophy at Chancellor College
- Ministry of Health
- University of Livingstonia