National Committee on Bioethics (NACOB)

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Promote responsible research and development that safeguards and protects human integrity, human rights, and animal rights and welfare.

 Terms of Reference

  1. To spearhead the development, review and assessment of national policies, procedures, guidelines, regulations and standards within the research and development enterprise pertaining to bioethics;
  2. To foster debate, public awareness, engagement and consciousness in matters of bioethics at national level;
  3. To undertake critical reviews of public policies with a view to make sound bioethics related recommendations that promote common good and/or human rights;
  4. To promote education and training for NACOB members and stakeholders in bioethics;
  5. To provide policy guidance and/or expert advice on bioethical case issues and problems, particularly in the sphere of health, research, science and technology;
  6. To undertake appropriate national assessment and promotion of management of risk related to medicine, life sciences and associated technologies;
  7. To undertake any activity consistent with principles set out in the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights and similar principles set out in related international instruments;


  1. Bioethicist (ex-officio)
  2. Malawi National Commission for UNESCO (ex-officio)
  3. Malawi Human Rights Commission (ex-officio)
  4. College of Medicine Research and Ethics Committee (ex-officio)
  5. Biology Department at Chancellor College
  6. Agricultural Research Services
  7. Malawi Law Commission
  8. Nurses and Midwives Council of Malawi
  9. Media Council of Malawi
  10. Faith Community (Public Affairs Committee)
  11. Council for Non-Governmental Organizations
  12. Department of Environmental Affairs
  13. Department of Philosophy at Chancellor College
  14. Ministry of Health
  15. University of Livingstonia