Promote, support, coordinate, and regulate research and development in the fields of food security, green belts, irrigation, water, climate change, crop science, livestock development, fisheries, soil science, environment, forestry, land resources, wildlife and other fields of agriculture and natural resources.
Terms of Reference
- Identify critical areas of national economic importance towards which Research and Development efforts should be directed in Agriculture, Natural Sciences and Biotechnology;
- Set out national priorities for research in Agriculture, Natural Sciences and Biotechnology;
- Develop guidelines and procedures for conducting research in Agriculture, Natural Sciences and Biotechnology;
- Review research project proposals in Agriculture, Natural Sciences and Biotechnology and make funding recommendations to the Commission;
- Solicit funding for research and development support in Agriculture, Natural Sciences and Biotechnology;
- Organise scientific fora on research in Agriculture, Natural Sciences and Biotechnology;
- Develop programmes for strengthening research capacity in Agriculture, Natural Sciences and Biotechnology; and
- Promote endogenous developments of biotechnology in areas where Malawi has a comparative advantage.
- Deal with all issues of Climate Change.
- Department of Agricultural Research Services
- Fisheries Research Unit
- Bunda College (Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources)
- Faculty of Science – Chancellor College
- Environmental Affairs Department
- National Herbarium and Botanic Gardens of Malawi / FRIM / National Research Institute
- Mzuzu University
- Agricultural Research and Extension Trust
- Tea Research Foundation
- Department of Animal Health and Livestock Development
- Malawi Environmental Endowment Trust
- Representative of Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGAIR)