A former American astronaut Leland Melvin had breakfast meeting today with Director General of National Commission for Science and Technology at Ryalls Hotel . The meeting focused on encouraging STEM Education as well as STEM education curriculum. This is one of the aside activities outside the WiSci camp which includes meeting with MUST faculty and a Public Talk at the Malawi Polytechnic, the event would be facilitated by the DG.
On Friday, the former astronaut and football star will mentor over 100 high school girls who are attending this year’s STEAM Camp at the University of Science and Technology.
The WiSci STEAM camp is taking place from July 30 to August 14 at the Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) in Thyolo .
Melvin is one of the only 536 people in the whole universe to travel beyond earth. Leland served on board the Space Shuttle Atlantis as a mission specialist on STS-122 andSTS -129.