Mike Kachedwa
Mike is responsible for Health, Social Sciences and Humanities Research promotion, co-ordination and regulation at a national level. He has been with the National Commission for Science and Technology since 1st February, 2010 having previously worked for the then Ministry of Research and Environmental Affairs and the National Research Council of Malawi for over 15 years in the capacity of R&D management, promotion, co-ordination and regulation. He is specifically responsible for initiating, facilitating, developing, reviewing and implementing oversight programmes for effective R&D promotion, co-ordination and regulation in the Health, Social Sciences and Humanities sector.
Through Fogarty Fellowship and Grant, between Michigan State University (Centre for Ethics and Humanities in the Life Sciences) and College of Medicine of the University of Malawi, he was trained in Bioethics, International Research Ethics and Public Health at Masters Degree Level. Through his rigorous training coupled with vast experience in R&D policy issues, he has a niche of special expertise in many fields of relevance including Bioethics; International Research Ethics; Health Research Governance and Co-ordination; Health Policy and Health Research Policy Development.