Malawi through the National Commission for Science and Technology (NCST) participated int the 2017 Seminar on”Capacity Building on Information and Communication for African Countries” in Beijing China. The Seminar was held at Academy for International Business Offices from the 6th September to 26th September 2017. Zacheous Kantchowa; an ICT Officer from NCST represented Malawi at the seminar which was designed for Information and Communication Experts and other Government Officials who in one way or another are responsible with information generation, use ,storage, processing and dissemination.
Participants were drawn from ten African countries namely: Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Ghana, The Gambia, Seychelles, Madagascar, Tanzania and Uganda and it had over 31 participants who were awarded with certificates at the end of the Seminar.
The Seminar was designed to:
Participants got to learn through materials prepared using the following methodologies Lectures, Videos, discussions and business trips and some of the topics discussed learnt included the following
As for the business trips, the participants visited Huawei, Didi Infinite Technology Development Company,China Railway 4 Bureaus Group Companies in the Shenzhen and Heifer Provinces in order to have a clear insight of companies operations and companies.
Participants had also the opportunity to have an appreciation of the Chinese culture through visits to historical places Such as the Great Wall; Anhui Provincial Museum; Bird’s Nest Stadium where the 2008 Olympics games were held and also through food and dance.