1.0 Introduction

The National Commission for Science and Technology (NCST) was established by the Government of Malawi under section 5 of the Science and Technology Act No.16 of 2003. Its mission is to promote, support, co-ordinate and regulate the development and application of research, science, technology and innovation so as to create wealth in order to improve the quality of life. To execute its mission, the NCST runs a number of programmes and schemes through its established structure. These programmes and schemes are derived from its legal functions as stipulated in the said Act. One such scheme is the Small Grant Scheme which seeks to provide support either in part or in full in order to promote capacity building and information sharing endeavours related to research, science, technology and innovation for wealth creation, in line with the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy (III) and new vision, Malawi 2063. This scheme is demand-driven whose design is informed by stakeholders’ needs. The grant scheme provides funding support in the following areas;

(a) Dissertation Grant: aims to support research undertaken as part of an academic programme to qualify for a Master’s or a Doctorate Degree, provided that the topic of research is addressing any of the identified national research priorities as issued by NCST. The grant is primarily to support research. Funds will not be used to support course work.

(b) Travel Grant: aims to support applicants with travel grants to facilitate their participation in conferences/workshops/seminars, short courses, study tours and exchange visits within or outside Malawi so as to facilitate information sharing and capacity building. The support could cover travel costs including the cost of visas, registration and other applicable costs.

(c) Research Dissemination Grant: aims at supporting the organising of a research dissemination conference. The support shall be towards meeting the cost of conference advertisement, venue, refreshments/lunches, review of abstracts, and production of books of abstracts and conference proceedings.

(d) General Event Grant: aims at supporting institutions to organise events/activities related to other areas of research, science, technology and innovation, provided that such events are not of the same nature as the research dissemination conference.

(e) Production of Journals Grant: This grant aims at supporting the production of journals.

(f) ICT Equipment Grant: This grant supports towards the cost of the ICT equipment where a research related institution has indicated the need for such equipment assistance and upon establishment of NCST that an institution would function effectively with such an equipment.

(g) Technology Transfer and Commercialisation Grant: This grant supports the technology transfer and commercialisation efforts. It is provided to institutions or individuals that have developed technologies and would like to be facilitated for popularisation, transfer, replication and spinoffs

2.0 Grant Application Proposals

NCST has secured funding from the Government of Malawi towards the Science and Technology Fund. Part of the funding will be used to administer grants under this Small Grant Scheme. NCST is, therefore, calling for applications for project proposals in any of the areas under this Scheme.

3.0 Grant Amount

The grant offered through this scheme shall not exceed the value of MK3, 000,000.00. Therefore, the budget limit for project activities in each project proposal shall not be more than this amount.

4.0 Deadline for Receipt of Applications

The small grant scheme is designed to be administered throughout a given government fiscal year on competitive terms and on first-come and first-served basis. While applications can be submitted, received and reviewed any time in a given fiscal year, closure date for submissions and receipt of applications in the 2020/21 fiscal year is 30th May 2021. Applications received after this date shall not be considered.

5.0 Application Procedures and Guidelines

The application procedures and guidelines for each specified grant are contained in the Small Grant Scheme Procedures and Guidelines which are available on the NCST website ( Applicants are advised to access them on this website. Alternatively applicants may request them from the Office of the Director General using the address below.

6.0 Submission of the Application

Submission of complete application package containing the required documentation for the specified grant shall be made as both a hard and a soft copy to the following address;

Director General

National Commission for Science and Technology

Lingadzi House

First Floor

City Centre

Private Bag B303

Capital City




E-mail address: