Board Compensation and Evaluation

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Commissioners Remuneration Policy

The Commissioners shall be paid such an allowance as the Minister may determine. The Board may make provision for the reimbursement of any reasonable expense incurred by a Commissioner or a Member of a Committee in connection with the business of the Board or its Committees.

Performance Evaluation

Evaluation of the Board

The Board has an effective mechanism for evaluating its performance on a continuing basis. On a minimum the Board shall evaluate its performance an annual basis. This includes an assessment of the effectiveness of the full Board, the operations of Board committees and the contribution of individual Commissioners.

The Chairman is accountable to the Board, personally or through delegating to a Committee, for ensuring that regular assessments of the effectiveness of the Board and its committees, as well as the contribution of individual Commissioners, are carried out. The results of the assessment of the Board and its Committees are reported to the full Board. Results of individual assessments are given to individual Commissioners to help them enhance their contribution.

Regular assessment of the Board’s effectiveness, and the contribution of individual Commissioners, is essential to improve governance practices. The focus of such assessments is to:

  • Assess the way in which the Board operates;
  • Check that important issues are suitably prepared for and discussed; and
  • Measure the actual contribution of each Commissioner to the Board’s work through his or her competence and involvement in discussions.

Disclosure is made in the Science and Technology report that such evaluations are indeed carried out.

The AAC utilizes the results of this evaluation to make recommendations to the Board with respect to assignments of Board members to various Committees. The results are also used by AAC in developing induction and training programmes for the Board.

Evaluation of the Director General

The Commissioners annually conduct a formal evaluation of the Director General which is communicated to the DG by the Chairperson. The evaluation process is based on objective criteria including performance on the functions of NCST, accomplishment of long-term strategic objectives and development of management team. The evaluation is used by the AAC in the course of its deliberations when considering the compensation of the DG.

Committee Performance Evaluation

Each Board Committee performs an annual evaluation of its performance, including a review of its compliance with the Committee charter. The purpose of such reviews is to increase the effectiveness of the Committee. The results of the evaluation are reported to the full Board.