Biodiversity Information for Development (BID) Capacity Enhancement workshop
Under the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), the National Commission for Science and Technology (NCST), National Herbarium and Botanic Gardens of Malawi, Museums of Malawi, Wild-Life and Environmental Society of Malawi (WESM) in collaboration with other institutions from African countries were invited by South Africa National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) to a data management training workshop on Biodiversity Information for Development (BID). The workshop took place at Kirstenbosch National Botanic Garden in Cape Town, South Africa. The programme is funded by European Union (EU).
Since NCST is the GBIF node in Malawi, it was essential to participate in this important workshop as it aims at:
Publishing biodiversity data for the GBIF network
Hosting the Intergrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT)
Creating user accounts for all partners that will be uploading information into the IPT
conducting data quality validation checks
The event was successfully held and it is anticipated that data collection and publishing will start from January on-wards.