Call for nominations: 2017 UNESCO kalinga prize for the popularization of science

UNESCO Kalinga Prize for the Popularization of Science

kalinga2UNESCO calls for nominations for UNESCO Kalinga prize qualified candidates. our country is invited to nominate one candidate to be considered for the award. this year”s winner will be awarded by the Director-General during the world Science Forum to be held in Amman (Jordan) from 11 to 12 November 2017. the recipient will receive a monetary award of $20,000, a certificate, and the UNESCO Albert Einstein silver medal.

Details on how to apply can be accessed on:

please note that the nomination should reach the secretariat by 27th may 2017.

Requirements should be sent to:

Division for science Policy and capacity-Building,
Natural Science SECTOR,
7 place de Fontenoy,
75352 Paris 07 SP,

or email: Mr Yoslan Nur,

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