1 to 30 September 2024

1.0       BACKGROUND

The Department of Research of the Public Health Institute of Malawi under the Ministry of Health (DR-PHIM) and the National Commission for Science and Technology (NCST) are in partnership for the management of a small grant scheme to support research proposals in health systems operations research as one of the identified national research priority areas in Malawi.

This scheme has been instituted as part of the implementation efforts of the National Health Research Agenda II (2023-2030) and the Health Research Policy of 2019. Strengthened structures, such as district health offices and health facilities, are pivotal for the conduct of quality health research in Malawi in order to generate evidence required to effectively inform the development of health and related policies and interventions. The effective implementation of such evidence-informed policies and interventions would ultimately result in improved health systems performance and peoples’ health and general well-being. This grant scheme has been established with funding from Malawi Government.


Health systems in low income countries face the challenges of substantial socioeconomic and health inequalities, rapid globalisation and evolving disease burdens. Malawi being one of the low income countries is not spared from such challenges. Health facilities face health systems operational challenges that necessitate the conduct of health systems operations research. Such research would generate evidence base that is required to strengthen health systems and improve the delivery of healthcare in Malawi. The research findings would inform the delivery of evidence-based interventions or structural changes that are of direct relevance to decision makers and hospital management teams in Malawi.

Health systems research addresses questions that are not disease-specific but concern issues that have implication on the performance of the health system as a whole. It is recognised that health systems are complex, and include not only formal health care delivery systems (public or private), but also include factors and elements such as governance, financing, health workforce, information systems,  health education, community and individual action, the regulatory and legislative context and the existing and emerging social, economic and cultural circumstances. As such, the research questions under health systems research are generally situated within an understanding of these broader health system linkages and descriptions on how and why findings from such research have the potential to improve the health of the people.


Hospital Teams from Central hospitals, District Hospitals and community hospitals both public and CHAM, will prepare research proposals addressing an identified health systems related problem that is relevant to their scope of work at their facility. The scheme will, therefore, fund demand-led, health systems operations research that addresses issue(s) of relevance as described under the health systems theme of the National Health Research Agenda II (2023-2030) and as would be specific to the research team’s institution.


It is expected that outcome(s) of the projects will inform and improve the delivery of evidence-based interventions or structural changes/practices that are of direct relevance and application to district health management teams, health facility management teams and policy makers.


The Call for Research Proposals in Health Systems Operations Research at District Health Office Level or at Heath Facility Level is premised on small grant scheme. Therefore, the budget limit for project activities in a proposal will not exceed K6,000,000. Research projects may include the following permissible budget items;

  • Material costs, if they are directly linked to the research project (e.g, supplies), field expenses and other data collection costs that may be justified dependent on the nature of the research study.
  • Direct costs incurred through the use of research infrastructure linked to the research.
  • Cost of dissemination of the results connection with the funded research.

Note:   Applicant’s salary top-up is not an eligible cost


  • Each proposal must have at least one qualified health worker as a principal investigator as a main applicant employed by the hospital . The Principal Investigators will bear the overall responsibility for the project, including its technical and administrative co-ordination as well as the timely delivery and submission of scientific and financial reports.
  • Each proposal should demonstrate that there is a research team that is led by a principal investigator. The size of the research team should commensurate with the scope of the envisaged project activities with roles of each member of the team clearly described. The team should be composed of relevant staff from the particular hospital. Where it is necessary and justified, the team may also include any relevant staff from a private health facility who would participate as a collaborator but such a collaborator should be from within the catchment area of the health facility of the principal investigator. Members of Health Facility Research Co-ordinating Committees are encouraged to apply.
  • Support letters from the principal investigator’s head of the institution  is a prerequisite. Such letters should signify management support.  Proposals without such support letters will not be considered.
  • The Grant will fund only health systems operations research that addresses an identified health systems problem of relevance to the particular facility. Some of the health systems sub-themes appear in the National Health Research Agenda II (2023-2030).
  • Principal Investigator(s) at the point of application must fulfil the following requirements:
  • Hold a primary appointment within the Hospital (minimum of 12 months employment) and is still in employment with that facility;
  • Be an individual that can command trust of the team members. Those with a track record of leadership ability in co-ordinating research related programmes may have an added advantage but it is not a must.
  •  Must be a holder of at least a master’s degree in health related field. Those holding a Bachelor’s Degree in health related field are also eligible to be PI provided they have demonstrated a track record in leading research activities before or have published research articles before.
  • Application guidelines are available on for eligibility and other application requirements.


  • The full proposals should be submitted electronically to both and  under subject heading: “Application for a Health Systems Operations Research Small Grant” clearly specified.
  • All proposals must be submitted in the prescribed template and will be reviewed based on their quality and merit. A full proposal template is downloadable on
  • All documents (full research proposal, detailed CV and letters of support) have to be submitted in PDF, while detailed budget should be in excel. Proposals should not exceed twelve pages (12), using 1.5 spacing and font size 12 Times New Roman (Refer to the proposal template for other details).
  • Applicants will be required to submit full proposals which will be screened for completeness by NCST and DR-PHIM before a rigorous review by an independent panel of experts.
  • Communication of the proposal review outcome to applicants will be made by 30th   September, 2024.
  • Decisions of the scheme managers will be final.


30th September, 2024 at 16:30hrs Malawi time.


Any enquiries from prospective applicants should be directed to either of the following;

  • Dr. Dzinkambani Kambalame (; cell number:0992133506);


  • Mrs Yalonda Mwanza-Kapewa (; cell number 0880729370).